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Schedule your initial Five Dysfunctions of a Team Dialogue

Is it time to get your team on track? Schedule your initial Five Dysfunctions of a Team Workshop & Training Dialogue now... (use the calendar to the right)

Unleash the true potential of your team.

For leaders and teams willing to do the hard work, get vulnerable, engage in conflict, truly commit, engage in interpersonal accountability and focus on results, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Workshop can open the door to sustained team performance.

“Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.“
– Patrick Lencioni. The Advantage



Fact: Team dysfunctions never sort themselves out.

Team dysfunctions end up costing teams and organizations incredible amounts of wasted time, energy, and resources. And while these costs are often difficult to quantify, the costs of missed opportunity, reduced employee morale, and unnecessary turnover are truly staggering.

Fact: Teams that do not effectively work together lose more often.

High-performing teams face their dysfunctions head-on. High-performing teams realize they must slow down to speed up by doing the necessary work together on an ongoing basis to ensure they are truly maximizing their potential.

Commit to Improving Your Team’s Focus

If you truly intend to unleash your team’s potential, you and every single team member must commit to waging an all-out war against team dysfunction.

The time is now. Right now is the ideal time to change individual and collective mindsets regarding one another and how your team works together.

About The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Workshop and Training Program

The last thing you and your team need is another experiential training activity where everyone comes together and has a shared experience, learns something new, and hopes get raised– only for old habits to return within a few days or weeks.

This is where cynicism is born.

After almost 15 years of facilitating The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Workshop, we have learned a thing or two about the best practices essential to making this experience meaningful and sticky. A key ingredient to our “secret sauce” is our diagnostic stack coupled with experienced facilitators.

We fervently believe what gets measured gets improved. Accordingly, we begin by having team members complete Patrick Lencioni’s online Team Assessment Report (TAR) anonymously to identify precisely where your team can improve. We also use the powerful psychometric assessment, the TriMetrix® HD, to accurately measure each team member’s Behavioral Style and Driving Forces (Motivators). This robust assessment stack helps improve self and interpersonal awareness during and long after the workshop.

You can trust that your facilitator is an expert in The Five Dysfunctions of a team as well as the TriMetrix® HD.

We also situationally deploy leadership, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), and Culture Scan assessments to diagnose your team’s current state properly.


About The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Model

Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Model is elegantly simple yet powerful. We believe The Five Dysfunctions of a Team to be a “universal truth.”

The “base” or “foundation” of Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team Model is Trust. Without Trust, it is difficult to impossible for Conflict to occur properly. Without proper Conflict, genuine Commitment is nearly impossible. A lack of Commitment translates into avoidance of Accountability. When Teams avoid Accountability, they will not fully achieve Results.


  • Absence of Trust: Unwilling to be vulnerable within the group.
  • Fear of Conflict: Seeking artificial harmony instead of constructive, passionate debate.
  • Lack of Commitment: Pretending buy-in for group decisions leads to ambiguity throughout the team and organization.
  • Avoidance of Accountability: Dodging responsibility to call peers and superiors on unproductive behavior, leading to low standards.
  • Inattention to Results: The focus is on personal success, ambitions, status, and ego ahead of team success.

Where is your team strong? Where are your team’s growth opportunities? Blind spots? Are you and your team ready to do the challenging yet rewarding work necessary to reach new heights?

Ten Essentials to Maximizing Your Team’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team Workshop Experience and Results.


The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team - 12 Step Guide

Like it or not, all teams are dysfunctional to some degree. This is inevitable because teams are comprised of fallible, imperfect human beings. From the basketball court to the executive suite, politics and confusion are more the rule than the exception. However, facing dysfunction and focusing on teamwork is particularly critical at the top of an organization because the executive team sets the tone for how your people work with one another.

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