Hire, Onboard, Coach and Develop The Best-of-the-Best Salespeople

Unrealized potential equates to lost opportunity, and lost opportunity means a slow death.
The potential of your legacy, your company, and your bottom line are a direct reflection of the quality of your sales force – the salespeople you hire and develop. Chances are, the potential of your sales force is nowhere near where it could and should be.
We provide the essential clarity necessary to make one of the most important hiring decisions a company can make – those charged with contributing to your company's future revenue/profits.
The real question you should be asking yourself is…
"How do I consistently select, hire, onboard and coach the best-of-the-best salespeople?"
If you are like us, you hate losing more than you love winning. Perhaps you have already realized the art and science of leveraging powerful sales personality and aptitude tests (data) to confirm or test your gut.
What gets measured gets improved.
Winning consistently requires the use of powerful psychometric assessments (data) to make essential sales selection/hiring decisions that stand the tests of time.
If you are truly committed to winning consistently, combine your invaluable intuition with objective science and data to make the best people decisions possible. Powerful Sales Personality and Aptitude tests like the TriMetrix® HD will help you definitively separate future winners from the rest as well as pinpoint where to allocate scarce coaching and development time.If you are truly committed to winning, you will not stop until you consistently identify and hire the kind of salespeople who scare the hell out of your competitors. We affectionately refer to the best-of-the-best salespeople as "Sales Wolves."
We are passionate about identifying and developing "Sales Wolves – those who possess the potential to consistently sell in the top 20th percentile bringing 80 percent of the results (80/20 Rule).
Perhaps you have viewed the 2011 biographical film "Moneyball," starring Brad Pitt. If so, you have a sense of our approach. Based on the 2003 book by Michael Lewis, "Moneyball" is an account of the Oakland Athletics baseball team's 2002 season and their GM Billy Beane's pursuit to build the strongest baseball team possible with a limited budget. Billy Beane and his assistant manager Peter Brand leveraged a sophisticated sabermetric approach to identify future top ballplayers.
Similarly, we have combined the most comprehensive multi-science sales personality aptitude test available with a patented job benchmark process to create our own "Moneyball Approach" to selecting and hiring the best-of-the-best salespeople.
Our "Moneyball Approach" to consistently identifying and hiring the best salespeople leverages science, statistics, process, and patents. Our sales personality and aptitude test can objectively and accurately identify the Behaviors, Motivators, Acumen, and Skills of a candidate as well as illuminate immediate coaching opportunities.
Our sales personality aptitude test is the ONLY independently-validated assessment with validation backed by brain research. No one else can say this.
The outcome is that you can expect to improve the consistency of your sales hiring program.
For over 20 years, we have studied sales talent in numerous industries and sales situations. We are relentlessly seeking the "Holy Grail" of sales personality testing and coaching.
We have cracked the sales code, regardless of the sales role. You simply will not find a better sales assessment that is more predictive of future sales performance. You will not find a more committed strategic partner. You will not find a more effective sales coaching strategy.
The salespeople identified by our sales personality and aptitude test are not just a little better than everyone else — they are profoundly better.
Go ahead. Compare us.
Why stop at hiring the best-of-the-best salespeople?
The frank reality is that few sales managers actually coach their salespeople on a proactive, consistent basis. Fewer still coach effectively. Those that do attempt to coach often focus on tactics rather than mindset. Precious few sales managers truly understand each salesperson's unique sales personality and perspective and adjust their coaching accordingly.
Some, not all salespeople will give 100 percent in short bursts. We can show you how to get more out of your salespeople – more consistently. Engage salespeople in a meaningful, vulnerable manner, and you may get 110 percent effort for more extended periods.
Chances are you are not maximizing the potential of your existing sales team, and that is truly unfortunate. As painful of a reality as it may be, chances are you are not honoring the unique greatness in each sales team member. Do your salespeople sense that you care about them? Their craft? Their future?
Words are cheap until you see for yourself.
Complete a sample sales assessment and experience what you have been missing.
The natural next step in your due diligence process is to complete our sample sales assessment to understand better the depth of our powerful sales personality and aptitude assessment. It will be our privilege to debrief you.