The Mindset Habits of Sales Wolves

by Chris Young

A salesperson's mindset is a powerful drag or boost on sales performance. 

Long ago I came to realize the power of a salesperson's mindset. A salesperson's Mindset shapes the sales results they achieve..jpg

It either works for them or against them.

Sales managers and salespeople understand the power of their mindset and do everything possible to shape theirs accordingly.


The mindset habits that sales wolves develop.

Not only are top sales wolves "wired" to sell, they create "mindset habits" that help them consistently perform at the highest possible level.

Sales wolves know that their own worst enemy in achieving their goals is their own pattern of thinking.

Sales wolves develop and fine-tune "mindset habits" that maximize their productivity and results. 

Just as important as developing the right mindset, sales wolves carefully guard their thinking.

The mindset habits sales wolves develop and master include:

  1. Commitment To Win - Sales wolves do not negotiate to lose. They play to win every time.  Interested people do what is convenient. Sales wolves are committed and do whatever it takes to be successful.
  2. Goal-Orientation -  Sales wolves set goals to push themselves to higher performance. 
  3. Candid - Sales wolves expect to hear and they voice the truth.
  4. Careful With Their Word - Sales wolves are pragmatic and hard on themselves but they never use their word against themselves. Read "The Fifth Agreement" by don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz.Thinking habits of top-performing sales people who are sales wolves.
  5. Personal Accountability -  Sales wolves model personal accountability because they know that they increase their power and ability to succeed by overcoming challenges without blame, victim thinking, nor procrastination. Sales wolves know the "buck stops with me". Read "The Traveler's Gift" by Andy Andrews and "QBQ - The Question Behind the Question" by John Miller.
  6. Action-Orientation - Sales wolves take action. John Miller, author of "QBQ" says it best, "Action defeats victim thinking." Amen.
  7. Positive-Focused - Sales wolves know that negativity is a drain on their energy and time.  Sales wolves focus on what can be done rather than what cannot be done.  
  8. Future-focused - Sales wolves focus on shaping their future and spend zero time ruminating in the past.
  9. Aware of the Law of Rejection - Sales wolves know that rejection is statistically part of the job and that a "no" is one step closer to a "yes".
  10. Focus on Extreme Value Creation - Sales wolves focus on creating extreme value. They realize the value of what they sell and sell based on value. Sales wolves never sell based on price.
  11. Person of Integrity - Sales wolves do the right thing; even when no one is watching.


The key to maximizing mindset in your sales team.

While you can and should help all of your salespeople develop these mindset habits, it is best to hire true sales wolves. The only way to know if you have a true sales wolf is to assess them using our sales personality test.

Then... Carefully develop these eleven mindset habits through what you talk about and model. 


Sales Wolf Mindset-Shaping Homework Assignment.

If you and your sales team members were to score yourselves...

  • Which of the eleven are strengths?
  • Which are "growth opportunities"?


A mindset working against a salesperson is a powerful drag on sales performance. Make the time to get clear about the mindset habits you and your sales team need to create in order to maximize success. Now is the perfect time to start.

Sales Personality Aptitude Test Sample Assessment