When Buying or Selling a Company, Evaluate the Sales Team

by Chris Young

Without sales, nothing happens.  The best product / service offering will not sell well unless the sales department is optimized - the right sales people are doing the right things.  Sales Team

The sales department drives the future of every company.

Whether you are considering an acquisition or merger or considering the future sale of your business within 3-5 years - it pays to review the following four key sales areas that shape future revenues in a big way.  

  1. Sales Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM) to track Customer relationships and sales team member activity. If you are not using a tool like Salesforce to track Customer relationships, activities, leads, contacts, accounts, and opportunity then significant upside is possible.  Rainmaker companies use Salesforce.

  2. Sales Talent Acquisition Model that uses a valid Sales Personality Test to hire the best sales people possible? If you are using a valid sales personality test to objectively identify top sales talent, then significant upside is possible. 

  3. Activity-based and Results-based Management - Sales team members are held accountable for their activity AND results. If you believe in only "results-based management" - trusting sales people to get the results without activity-based accountability - then significant upside is possible.

  4. Sales Coaching Plan - Sales team members are coached based upon their unique needs. If you do not have active sales coaching plans that are specifically-designed for the unique needs of each sales team member - then significant upside is possible. 

If you are considering the sale of your business or company, consider getting your sales team optimized in order to receive maximum dollar.  If you are buying a company that does not have its sales team optimized - you have the potential for significant upside by doing what should have already been done.

Sales Personality Aptitude Test Sample Assessment